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Victor:  Winch assisted catapult

Victor took his catapult a step further by adding an electrical component.  During his Cre@tivity Lab sessions, Victor has worked hard to improve his design by creating a switch operated winch.  When the switch is pressed, his spoon sets, ready to catapult his candy pumpkin.  He's still working to improve his design using Tinkercad to problem solve an issue with the string.  It's looking good, Victor!


Anthony:  Water Dispenser

Anthony created a water dispenser using parts from the Maker Cart and materials from the Cre@tivity Lab.  He built a circuit using a switch, pump motor, and battery to power his water dispenser.  Now he's working to improve his design.  Making the elements fit better is next on his list.  Keep it up, Mr.!


Trinity: Coding a Talking Unicorn

Trinity used Scratch to create a code that allows her unicorn to talk.  She added coding blocks to start her program, recorded her dialog, and even learned to add in an operator.  After a bit of debugging, she attached the Makey Makey and VOILA - a talking unicorn!  Keep it up, lady!

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